Hi Perrin,

Thank you for your answer.

Well, for the moment I only use the prefork (non-threaded) MPM.
But I would have liked to test performance of the threaded MPM, so I would have 
liked my code to be thread-ready.

According to this :
Sounds like threads could have an interest, but according to your message, 
should not be a general case.

Thank you,


> Le 4 avr. 2016 à 22:49, Perrin Harkins <phark...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Hi Ben.
> Before you get too far into the details of using threads, can I ask why 
> you're considering it? The memory footprint and performance of using forked 
> processes with Perl is generally going to be better than that of threads, due 
> to copy-on-write.
> - Perrin
> On Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 4:44 PM, Ben RUBSON <ben.rub...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ben.rub...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have some questions regarding mod_perl, threads, thread-safe functions, 
> special vars scope...
> From 
> https://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/coding/coding.html#toc_Thread_environment_Issues
> <https://perl.apache.org/docs/2.0/user/coding/coding.html#toc_Thread_environment_Issues>
>  :
> "if you chdir() in one thread, all other thread now see the current working 
> directory of that thread that chdir()'ed to that directory"
> Do we speak about threads from threaded MPM ?
> (so the specific Apache process which owns the thread running this Perl 
> script, and all its (the process) threads, will chdir()).
> From the same page :
> "Other usually problematic (non thread-safe) functions include readdir(), 
> srand(), etc."
> Why readdir() would not be thread-safe ? I can't see why. Perhaps readdir() 
> chdir() to read a directory content ?
> How could we then read dir content being thread-safe ?
> From 
> https://perl.apache.org/docs/general/perl_reference/perl_reference.html#toc_The_Scope_of_the_Special_Perl_Variables
> <https://perl.apache.org/docs/general/perl_reference/perl_reference.html#toc_The_Scope_of_the_Special_Perl_Variables>
>  :
> "In the mod_perl situation where the child server doesn't usually exit, if in 
> one of your scripts you modify a global variable it will be changed for the 
> rest of the process' life and will affect all the scripts executed by the 
> same process."
> So in a threaded MPM, if one of the threads modifies one of the special Perl 
> variables, it will instantly affect all other threads of this process ?
> What about variables like $? ? (return code of system() calls)
> And ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} ? (return code too)
> Does their value stay local to the thread ? / Does each thread have these 
> variables with their own proper value ?
> Or is it unsafe to read them because they could be modified by another thread 
> ?
> Thank you very much for your clarification,
> Best regards,
> Ben

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