I ca only speak for Dancer2 - I imagine they are all similar
> On 11 Sep 2016, at 15:55, Igor Chudov <ichu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Eugene, sorry for my ignorant questions.
> I see several of these frameworks.
> Is that correct that the result of setting up and programming the framework 
> is a running perl script?
Yes - usually a psgi so you run it under something like starman

> It needs a reverse proxy in front of it? (I use nginx as a reverse proxy).
IMHO this is the best way - you can use the proxy to handle the ssl if required

> Does nginx proxy to those?
It does so very well

> Do you need separate instances of those frameworks for every virtual host?
Whilst you could do it ‘all in one’ I prefer to run a separate instance per 

> Can they run multithreaded? I need to run multithreaded as I need to utilize 
> multiple CPUs.
Starman will run as many workers as you request so - yes

> Is that true that the frameworks serve the entire website and, for example, I 
> cannot have static files like JPEGs?
No Dancer2 serves static content very well, although I tend to server it 
directly out of nginx as it’s faster and does not require the proxy call

> Do I have to handle all URL rewriting?
You can do that very well in nginx



> On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 6:08 AM, Eugen Konkov <kes-...@yandex.ru 
> <mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru>> wrote:
> Hi, Igor.
> You may try http://mojolicious.org/ <http://mojolicious.org/>
> Вы писали 10 сентября 2016 г., 15:54:44:
> I hope that this message would not be considered off topic.
> I have been developing web apps since 1996 and have about 84,000 lines of 
> perl code implementing various websites that I own. I do not work for 
> anybody,  own all websites that I work on, and these sites feed my family.
> The largest website is www.algebra.com <http://www.algebra.com/> and I have 
> plenty of other websites, some to be used inside my own company, and some 
> niche websites like liberatedmanuals.com <http://liberatedmanuals.com/>. All 
> these sites work, and all use the CGI perl module.
> I always considered the CGI perl module to be a work of a genius. How it does 
> forms, prefilling of form values, working with arguments, headers, cookies, 
> html generation and so on were outstanding. The criticism of CGI as far as 
> importing HTML generating functions in the main namespace is valid, but can 
> be answered in a simple way, do not use the functionality if you do not like 
> it (which is what I do), and use templates in your own code when necessary 
> (as I do).
> OK, so now, as of ubuntu 16.04, CGI is considered obsolete and is being 
> phased out. I cannot change it. I am literally freaking out for two reasons, 
> one is that I have 84,000 lines of code using it, and another is that I have 
> hard times finding a suitable alternative.
> One concern is that I want any alternatives to be maintained for the next 20 
> years. I can start using something new now if I can find a suitable system. I 
> read CGI::Alternatives and I am left with a feeling that none of these will 
> survive for 20 years. Second, while templating is important for any big 
> consumer facing websites, it is not necessary for intranet and niche websites 
> and makes things difficult to maintain. Additionally, templating involves 
> more than just HTML templates and sometimes needs to be done in perl scripts, 
> using perl functions to generate HTML as part of templating, not just HTML 
> files.
> So, I am looking for some web app framework that is sensible, has good 
> support going forward and lets people use it "the easy way" (without a 
> bazillion of files supporting a simple script) or the "hard way" (with 
> templates etc). I want a module where HTML can be expressed as a perl 
> statement.
> Are these any realistically good modules made for people such as myself?
> thanks
> --
> С уважением,
> Eugen                          mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru 
> <mailto:kes-...@yandex.ru>

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