Not really a mod_perl question but you can always wrap your method call in an eval

my $ret = eval { $m->...() };

And then check $@ for the error message

On 2017-05-26 02:08 AM, Peng Yonghua wrote:

I am not so good at perl/modperl,:)

In the handler, a method from a class was called, when something dies from within the method, what's the correct way the handler will take?

for example, I wrote this API which works right if given a correct domain name:

server response:
var data={"registration":"domain may be taken","domain":""}

If given a wrong domain name:

The server returns 500.

This is because, in the handler, I used this module (wrote also by me):

And in the module, croak like this was happened,

croak "domain TLD not exists" unless tld_exists($tld);

When handler meets the croak, it dies (I guess) and server returns 500.

How will I make the full system work right? fix on handler, or the module itself?


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