On Tue, Aug 04, 2020 at 05:04:50PM +0200, André Warnier (tomcat/perl) wrote:
> On 04.08.2020 11:31, paul trader wrote:
> >On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 07:36, James Smith opined:
> >
> >JS:Others will disagree but the best way I still believe is using mod_perl
> >JS:- but only if you use it's full power - and you probably need a special
> >JS:sort of mind set to use - but that can be said for any language.
> >
> >i will second this motion.  mod_perls ability to hook into any step of the
> >process apache uses to serve up a page makes it easy to design a web
> >solution that can be tailored for any solution.
> >
> Let me agree and add to that.
> If your purpose is simply to write "classic web applications" (in
> the sense of user interface etc), then there are probably nowadays
> easier and "more modern" tools than mod_perl; and indeed it is a
> problem to find young programmers who already know perl.
> (It is not difficult however for a good young programmer, to learn
> perl. And I would always prefer a good young programmer who doesn't
> know perl yet, over a not so good young programmer who knows
> everything except perl.)
> On the other hand, if your kind of project involves a very tight
> integration with all aspects of Apache httpd, then there really
> isn't any other tool than mod_perl to do it.
> It is difficult in a short message like this to detail all the ways
> that you can interact with Apache httpd to get things done, but have
> a look at the schema here :
> https://www.askapache.com/s/s.askapache.net/httpd/modules/modsecurity-apache_2.1.4/doc/html-multipage/04-processing-phases.html
> and imagine that, with mod_perl, you can interact with Apache httpd
> and control virtually everything that happens within any of those
> boxes (and even between them).
> Together, Apache httpd + mod_perl are a tool for creating complex
> web-based applications, which has no equivalent anywhere (not with
> any other webserver, not with any other programming language, not
> with any kind of OS)(in the open-source/free world).
> In addition, using mod_perl does not prevent you from using any
> other Apache add-on module or any other development tool in addition
> (in whatever programming language you choose). mod_perl just allows
> you to do more, and faster.
> A possible problem with mod_perl may be its continued support,
> considering the kind of discussions (hopefully temporary) going on
> at the moment in the perl 5.x/7.x development community.
> But I believe that there is such a wide existing base of solid web
> applications based on perl, mod_perl and the (also incomparable)
> CPAN library, that any idea of dropping support for them, would be
> for some time quite far in the future.

Everything depends....

Consider this though, when whipping up your new JSOm superwidget dodad
enterprise project...

How many platforms can survive 30 years.  Mod_Perl/Apache.

How many platforms can be taken seriously with regard to privacy?

If I am doing a serious enterprise for something like healthcare,  you
need to consider mod_perl for the longevity and security.

Concurancy is a problem that the modperl team and perl team should fix.

> P.S. As an example : I am at the moment working on expanding an
> Apache/mod_perl user authentication module, that has to be able to
> authenticate users using either of HTTP Basic, LDAP, SAML, SPNEGO
> (Windows), OpenId, SiteMinder (tm), client IP and and login-form
> based authentication, while delivering a consistent "user profile"
> to follow-up web applications.
> And I cannot think of any other tool than Apache/mod_perl which would allow 
> me to do this.
> (except this : https://metacpan.org/pod/Apache2::AuthAny, but that is also 
> mod_perl based)

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