At 06:00 PM 10/1/99 -0700, Seth wrote:
>PS... Of all my musical interest my longest standing ones (Since 7th grade;) 
>is REM...but I think ... REM have remained 
>consistently fantastic..Michael Stipe's lyricism and the whole chemistry of 
>the band in general  stand out form the crap that passes for Pop music these 
>days. Anybody agree?


Then Seth wrote:
>Obvious this is not a "Mods List" It is for the most 
>part a bunch of prissy rich fucks with too much spare time on their hands 
>who don't give a shit about anybody but themselves.

How did you figure that out?

> And yes Seamus I 
>contemplated shaving my head and telling you all on this list to fuck off, 
>but seeing as that would've been to much fun for people here, I declined. 
>When I got into this subculture I expected some comraderie with people who 
>loved the same things I did and had a flare for the unconventional and 
>stylish..obviously that wasn't realistic.

Mod is not a club, you can't join it, or say "here I am, what do I do
first?" Your tastes are either mod or they are not. If you have any inkling
to be a skin I highly recommend it, because it probably means you are not a
mod if you are attracted to shaved heads, big black boots, jeans and flights.

> So I leave you all to whatever you 
>do best, bitching or intellectualizing, and say win..i'm sick of 
>fighting..this isn't what I became a Mod for...JIMMY WAS RIGHT...

What DID you "become" a Mod for?


Andrew McCullough
Metalcast Engineering
510.534.2320 fax:510.534.4934
"life is a tragedy to those who feel, a comedy
to those who think" - (Horace Walpole)

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