aw, davy...

i always want to reply to these posts against toronto,
but you always get in there before me.

actually, the toronto contingent has been rather quiet
during this new thread of toronto postings, i guess
most of it happened over the weekend, though.

anyhoo, to eamon:

if you want to come to toronto to experience
kaleidoscope or the soul clan then you would have to
schedule your trip around a very specific date (ie,
the next time either of them happens), but if you
wanted to see the actual toronto "mod" scene then you
could come out on any given saturday night and party
with a full house and a lot of cool people.
so you know... davy and gaven aren't the only people
in toronto.

and to the one who said DJ SAUSAGE:
there is no need to insult those who have said nothing
against you, and i don't think mr. BANGERS has.

"time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so."

yr friendly neighbourhood jetboy
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