> Hey hey davy it is going to be such a blast, I cant wait I know many
> Modslisters set there plans in Motion. Either going to San Francisco or
> London...oh damn did I leave Toronto out again....Yea Eamon come with
> us...seems better than hanging out with a Dink Like Davy"Im the greatest DJ"
> Love
> DC

Anyone who calls themselves DarkMod can't be serious about slamming anybody can
they?  Who the fuck are you and when exactly was this that I said "I am the
greatest DJ"...?  What are you the Mod Mcarthy...? are you gathering a list of
names of people from the list that are coming here for New Years Eve so you can
slag them off for knowing me?

Contrary to what you and some of the other children on the list believe... not
everyone on this list hates me or my club... or even if they do, they don't put
the time and effort in to shooting their mouths off about it... they simply delete
my message and ignore me.  I can assure you that our New Years Eve party will be
attended by many modslisters/bands/DJ's from all over the world and they will
undoubtedly have a great time like people have had here at the past 4 New Years

Don't worry I'm sure Eamon, Seth and Paul Secular will still be attending your
MONSTERS OF MOD parka party out there... I sure can't wait till the video and
Compilation album from that one comes out, I need some more laughs...

Thanks for your concern though,
Davy Love [Blow-Up Club TO]

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