that's a Canadian indie weirdo!

--- Paul Secular <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jeez..... not another American indie wierdo!
> Pixie - please don't drag any more of your
> trouser-sharing belle and 
> sebastion friends onto this list!
> Hector - from what you've said I think you're going
> to find this list very 
> different to your other 'friendly' pop lists!
> Also - I'd advise you to not post too often since
> this list is full of 
> mods....... and they can be very intolerant!
> Paul
> PS. Why are American Pulp fans all so weird??!!!
> PPS. I guess I'm being a bit harsh - but forgive me
> - I've only had 4 hours 
> sleep! (I went out dancing to 'glam' and 80s-shit
> last night........... 
> couldn't find anywhere remotely decent!)
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