now you've started it, paul. where would you brits be without us, eh? and
where would we be without you? hmmm... who invented rock n' roll? who
layered it in style? who gives a fook? yeah, i'm american, and proud of it.
i'm definitely not a racist(quit making ignorant generalizations, "mate")
and i don't know where you got the silly canadian thing from, you're
obviously in the dark when it comes to anything outside the european
stereotypes of fat ami tourists in their sweats and sneakers. if their
viewpoint is so full of shite why act just like them in return? let the
idiots stay in their realm of consciousness, and let's not join them. i'm
in new york, and i bet you could dig it here. UP WITH ENGLAND, DOWN WITH
Subject: Re: Oh Heck(tor)!
From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Paul Secular"
)"Paul Secular" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> at TIME_INC
Date:    10/6/99  12:45 PM

>From: "rob iupui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>     I know geography probably isn't your strong suit since you've never
>that dirty, drizzly little island, but Toronto is not in America, though
>is adjacent.

You stupid uneducated oaf!
America comprises of the continents North America and South America. The
COUNTRY called The USA is in America, and so is the COUNTRY called Canada.

I used the terms America and American in the same way as one would use
Europe and European.
I was not being specific to the United States Of America.
However it does not surprise me in the least that I should get all of this
stupid bullshit....
it's well known that you citizens of the USA are racist and do not like
being associated with Canadian citizens. (The converse may also be
true...... but is arguably justified)

As for my own travelling habits..... how do you know whether or not I have
ever travelled outside of Great Britain?
As a matter of fact I visit Italy approximately once every 1 to 2 years.
I have also visited Hong Kong, France and Spain.
The fact that I haven't visited the USA is, I assure you, completely
I wouldn't be caught dead in your stinking country (though even that is
more probable than being caught alive...)

Still - I again am not entirely surprised by your assumption that: if I
haven't been to the USA, then I haven't been 'nowhere'!

You citizens of the United States are full of self-importance aren't you?!

Paul Secular

PS. You do live in the USA, right??

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