At 02:19 PM 11/18/99 -0600, you wrote:

>For those of us with more open minds and not so limited tastes,

BAD SUSHI. People have been using the "closed-minded" argument against
others with different taste as long as I've been on this list.* Claiming
that you have an open mind (thereby implying that the person with whom
you're arguing lacks one) doesn't make your opinion, any more valid. It's
almost always about new music, too--people use a straw-man argument of "you
can't just listen to '60s music"; meanwhile, NOBODY has EVER claimed to
listen exclusively to '60s music, and nobody ever will.

*People have also been using the "I've been on this list longer, and am
therefore more qualified to discuss the intricate workings of it than you,"
argument "as long as I've been on this list" as well. Sorry.

Eamon - 2
Work - 0

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