Katrina Dixon wrote:
>I think we may have been here before, but hear, hear to the Make-Up 
>beingbest live. I saw them twice, urrgh, can't remember when, but they were 
>wearing crazy yellow suits (? could that be right)

Yeah Katrina.  I saw them here in Denver awhile back and they all were 
wearing matching white turtlenecks and tonic suits.  It was soo friggin' hot 
in the small venue that they played at.  Ian was an animal but I have to say 
that that Michelle Mae...her hair was outfuckinrageous!  Great live band to 
see.  Their new album "Save Yourself" is supposed to be their best yet, 
we'll see.  Just saw their movie "Blue is Beautiful" nice work. Very smart 
group, if you can get past the howls!

'watch it with that thang'
James Holden

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