> > About the music...I thought there was an interesting
> > selection.  There was some great songs being spun, but
> > some transitions between songs were too abrupt.  The
> > sometimes odd juxtapositions of a classic '60s era
> > French gem with some bland contempo electronic Frenchy
> > pop was too much of a contrast.  Don't get me wrong.
> > Contrast is good. When it's done right, it can keep
> > dancers on their toes, so to speak.  But I think the
> > pairing of songs seemed quite random that particular
> > night.         
> - Their were four D.J's that night, all whose musical tastes were very 
> varied, unlike yours, I gather.  It was "French POP" not French 60's 
> "northern soul" or French "mod"!

Y'know, Helen never said anything derogatory about the music, merely that
it didn't flow too well from one selection to the next. I think you're
just a smidge too defensive here...she never made any mention of northern
soul, mod, or even that the night wasn't "60s enough". I can vouch for her
(even though she probably doesn't appreciate it) and tell you that her own
musical tastes are not limited to things recorded in the 60s.

On that note, I feel really stupid that I didn't want to go up for it, but
I was really tired that night. Anybody know if they are planning on having
another go at Bardot in LA, either at Encounters or elsewhere...or maybe
even in San Diego? :)


up all night and down every day
ICQ: 37302710

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