Not wishing to add fuel to the fire....I love how Davy intimated that Mojo 
and myself don't argue with him any more...we don't, well let me speak for 
me...I don't because it's not worth the time.  Davy has NEVER offered 
anything to this list other than insults, promoting his night(not really 
anything wrong with that) and vile degrading playground/bathroom comments. 
King of the hypocrites.
Dan,Sean et all are a solid bunch of cats who've offered more to this list 
than anybody.  And what have you ever done for anyone Davy besides tell them 
on this list other than to tell them to "suck your dick" or make some low 
blow low brow remarks about their girlfriends,mothers et al.
The only reason I stay on this list is because there are intelligent people 
who actually can be quite an entertaining,helpful,cool,generous little think 
tank mod community (READ:Nick Rossi,Katrina,Brian Proust,Julian,Paul Flynn, 
Dominic Broadhurst,Mojo,David Elliot,Jessika,Lisa Marriott,etc oh  and Sean 
and Dan.....). NOT because of cat fighting, negativity spreading tired gas 

                     Bill Luther

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