Yeah, right, "solid bunch of cats" my ass! Sean is a nasty little jerk and deserves 
to be called a cross dressing old crone! As for Dan, it astounds me how he's 
singlhandedly appointed himself grand vizir opinion on the scene when he's an old 
wanker who is so uncool I dont know why anyone listens to his drively lack of a life.  
Way to go Davy!! you got my vote!

On Thu, 09 Dec 1999 16:37:07   claudet wrote:
>A 07:17 09/12/99 PST, vous avez icrit :
>>Not wishing to add fuel to the fire....I love how Davy intimated that Mojo 
>>and myself don't argue with him any more...we don't, well let me speak for 
>>me...I don't because it's not worth the time.  Davy has NEVER offered 
>>anything to this list other than insults, promoting his night(not really 
>>anything wrong with that) and vile degrading playground/bathroom comments. 
>>King of the hypocrites.
>>Dan,Sean et all are a solid bunch of cats who've offered more to this list 
>>than anybody.  And what have you ever done for anyone Davy besides tell them 
>>on this list other than to tell them to "suck your dick" or make some low 
>>blow low brow remarks about their girlfriends,mothers et al.
>>The only reason I stay on this list is because there are intelligent people 
>>who actually can be quite an entertaining,helpful,cool,generous little think 
>>tank mod community (READ:Nick Rossi,Katrina,Brian Proust,Julian,Paul Flynn, 
>>Dominic Broadhurst,Mojo,David Elliot,Jessika,Lisa Marriott,etc oh  and Sean 
>>and Dan.....). NOT because of cat fighting, negativity spreading tired gas 
>>                     Bill Luther
>Bravo ! If I had the time (and the capability) to write such a long post
>(for me !) in English, I think that's exactly what I would have written...
>I don't know Dan, I don't know Davy but it seems rather obvious that Dan is
>a nice bloke and Davy is a wanker.
>PERPIGNAN! (Yeah, it's really ridiculous)

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