James taunts:
>Yosi simply suggested:
>>400 Blows
>Don't I have a vague memory of a certain young man wittering on about the
>rubbishness of Truffaut in a textbook 'recent graduate of film school'
>manner a while back? Perhaps I am mistaken. Or perhaps this is one of those
>handily maleable theories that allow one to contradict oneself and not 
>like one is talking out of one's ass.
>Ou est ma cafe au lait? Merde.

[For those of you who have no interest in Truffaut or hearing me go of on 
James and the rest of list for flaring me with no justification: press 
delete now]


I'm not sure if this message was in reference to the classic film schools 
discussion of Truffaut's role as a theorist & a critic vs. his role as a 
director, or if it was intended as a comment focused at me, but I will give 
you the one line theory summary as to clarify what you think came from my 
ass so you can pull your thumb from yours. *smile*

Film Schools often teach that Truffaut is primarily a film theorist and 
critic and secondarily a director.  I tend to agree, while I do think SOME 
of his work is masterful {Jules and Jim, 400 Blows}.  The example that is 
often used is The Bride Who Wore Black... way over strategized.

If you would like to discuss Truffaut a bit further...let's...if you would 
like to play silly games and test my film knowledge, let's take it 

Now let's get down to why I really responded...

my french does suck, but the coffee comments are really getting old...please 
feel free to find another Hollywood stereotype to attack me with...need 
help?  Talk about my cell phone.  Comment on lunch meeting lingo.  How about 
some ego jokes...those are always great.

This is what I don't get...I added three simple lines to this discussion... 
three well known films into a beginners list of French films 'to see' and 
someone finds a reason to flare me about my background.  I never 
contradicted myself about Truffaut, because I made no statement about him, 
just that this person should see 400 Blows. This was uncalled for and just 
straight up lame.  Did I claim to be the end all in French Film?  Did I 
interject a 'Hollywood' something into this perfectly legitimate 
conversation of 60's/mod influencing cinema?

I thought I had told everyone who needed to hear this in private emails but 
obviously there are others who feel the need to flare me about this  so i 
will say it on-list...i might have come on (about a year ago) and put up the 
peacock tail...but it is not a reflection of who I am and over the last year 
I have certainly heard enough of it to know better than to tell people over 
the net what I do...so just cut it.  I came on the list to learn more about 
the music I love, the lifestyle I have chosen for myself, and to meet people 
of like mind...if this bothers some of you... fuck off.

....yeah....so then...

SOUL  'bring on the hellfire'

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