>Subject: Re: Buying material in London
>Actually you ought to check out all of Berwick Street in SoHo -there are a
>handful of little textile shops that often stock suitings. Textile King 
>sells remnants (at a discount) that conveniently have enough fabric for a
>pair of trousers. Lewisham (near Greenwich) also has a few places that tend
>to be less expensive -but it is hit or miss. I cannot recall the names, but 
>know they're listed in the phone book.

Good info! Ta Jessika. Don't suppose you know any good tailors (anywhere in 
the UK) as well? I know I asked this before, but still looking and still 
hoping. It's cold here in the north and I needs some new hipsters!

For UK listers, anyone looking for low-heeled single-strapped pumps should 
check out Nine West (branches in England, Scotland and Ireland) black 
leather or suede - £50 - stockist info (0171 380 3873). Nice. Just realised 
that makes me sound like a sales agent - bizarre...

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