OK, so watching the Star Wars trilogy isn't mod, but I'm with you there, 
Misa - I've got that triple-pack of widescreen videos and I might have to 
take it with me when I head westward ho to Glasgow on Xmas eve.

Alternatively, for a wee bit of silliness, what's the ideal mod xmas for 
listers? Watching a celebrity deathmatch of rival scenesters? Discovering 
new ways of bouffanting hair a la Marriott (boys only)? Shaving yer eyebrows 
like Penelope Tree? (girls only - well, maybe boys too...) Suggestions 
please, to include things to do, places to go, ideal meal, ideal films, 
reading, listening, clothes (pyjamas, favourite outfit, birthday suit?), not 
to mention ideal gifts and the person (other than near and dear loved ones 
or anyone you have to spend Xmas with), living or dead, that you'd most like 
Santa Claus (or Mrs Claus) to bring you.

Fer example:
Ideally... wake up on Christmas morning to breakfast in bed (tea and 
cinnamon porridge) served by Jacques Dutronc (snatched from 1966 in an 
Austin Powers time-travelling machine) with Georgie Fame's Ho Ho Ho playing 
in the background, ride out to Loch Lomond with him on new 1967 Lambretta 
that Santa brought me (seriously wishful thinkin' goin' on here...). Arrive 
back in time for 3 hours of Ready Steady Go, featuring all the bits that 
Dave Clark won't let anyone see (ta, Bill for the list) including The 
Action, Graham Bond Organization, The Game, Spencer Davis Group, The 
Zombies, The Creation and The Small Faces). Go out for massive Ceylonese 
Korma and Mango Kulfi for dessert. Drink lots of Baileys. Back home, fall 
asleep reading pile of 6ts Rave magazines and listening to Phil Spector's 
Xmas album. Wake up in time to go out dancing, wearing pair of new hipsters. 
Meet up with friends, old and new, dance, have larks, get horribly drunk etc 

Yes, I am that bored today...;)


>Subject: XMAS TV + more
>On Xmas day, this is my goal:
>Watch "Christmas Story" at least twice
>Watch Star Wars trilogy =
>Take a nap
>Listen to each Beatles album at least once with my mom
>That's what Xmas is all about!
>Andies Candies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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