On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Jeff Hunt wrote:

=> Hellllloo everybody
=> I've gots a question to ask... I keep on hearing references to mod
=> crews. Personally, I've never met one nor have I heard anything
=> mentioned of any, outside of songs and books. That cheesy "I Got Me
=> Parka" song by The Sussed comes to mind - "I'm looking for a crew, any
=> mods will do! I got me parka!" Living in Portland, I'm deprived of an
=> actual "Mod Scene" so I've never been in a room with more than three
=> other mod folks at once. Don't take your scene/friends for granted!
=> Any replies, goofy or serious, would be entertaining
=> Jeff

Crew, like a group of people or gang.  Today's equivalent would be "posse"
I suppose.  "Jimmy's scooter looks fine, so now I've got mine, I've got me
Parka!"  Good 'ol Oscar...

,----------------------------------.,-----------------------------------. |
Jeff Harper                      || email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]       | |
Club Avengers Scooter Club       || scooter: '67 Lambretta TV 175     | |
Dallas, TX USA                   || scooter2: '61 Vespa Sportique 150 | |
http://www.dominoeffect.com      || scooter3: '74 Vespa Rally 200     |

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