Oh my, this list has for sure taken me down memory lane..  Hmm a bit 
of a background about me self to share with you first so you can 
understand where exactly I am coming from.

When I was getting into high school I was originally just into plan 
old punk rock.. I am sure you all know the scene.. Combat boots and a 
Naked Raygun show was my forte.  I was still under many of the 
preconceived notions of the media at that point.  Such a nice young 
lad with these distorted images in my mind about skinheads and 
punkers and such.  Well going to these shows and being apart of the 
small dedicated punk rock scene of the biggest little city on earth, 
Milwaukee you get a 101 in punk rock subculture.  Being exposed to 
the Nazi's of Janesville, wisconsin (rememeber when geraldo got into 
that fight.. Yep, that was Janesville), the punk rockers of the East 
Side of Milwaukee (GG Alen got arrested for shiting on stage in 
Miltown, not to mention 2 of his slaves were from Milwaukee...), the 
SHARPS from Chicago, and the Chicago Straightedge (Victory Records, 
Billingsgate, and the whole deal)... I had many little groups to 
choose from in search for my teenage identity.. and many roads to go 

I befriended many of the straightedge kids.  I took up the lifestyle. 
Walked the walk, talked the talk, my wardrobe was completely 
Champion.  I was a straighedge winner!

Now I must admit..  At my ripe old age of 23 this all seems silly to 
me now.  Much of it was childish rubbish we all have been through. 
Trying to belong, and ultimately trying to define myself in a world 
that was increasingly trying define me against my will.

I learned a lot about the group psychology and mentality.  The Pack 
mentality.  The strength in numbers mentality.  Much like the 
skinheads be it SHARP or nazi, punks, and mods.  We held a set of 
values that were against the norm.  Or in otherwords.. went against 
the grain.

With all groups that define themselves by a strict way of living you 
find that you also isolate yourself from the rest of the poplation. 
In you mind you pit yourself and your crew against the world. 
Everyone becomes your enemy.  Other factions in the scene.  You 
travel in packs, you fight in packs, you live a life in conflict with 
society.. Which ultimately means. YOU FIGHT.

Skins are skins because they like being skins and all the persecution 
fuels the fire and the main reasons why people are skins.  To be 
hated is sometimes welcomed and allows a person to hate others.  Nuff 

So what I see is with all youth movements.. Mod, skin, straightedge.. 
and such you bring the violence on by being apart of these groups. 
But one day.. You grow up and realize the world really doesn't care 
if you are a skin or a mod.  Basically you have to figure out that 
you are doing it for yourself.  Selfish I know. But once you come to 
that conclusion and readjust your motives.. you will be a much better 
person for it.. And less filled with hate.

Now if you are approached by someone who has not come to this 
realization.. That still believes in fighting over petty personal 
philosophies it is quite easy for the smart ones out there to realize 
this.. And justify that otherwise pussy action of walking away. 
Because smart people.. Especially mods should have other things on 
there mind that are much more important the fighting over dumb ideals.

But we all know there are times where you are put into a corner, and 
you are forced to fight your way out.  In this case you react as all 
humans would in defence of your body.  Fight like hell.. But don't be 
dumb and attatch this to your philosophy on life.  Because if you 
do.. Win or lose you are only lowering yourself to their 
unintelligent level of thinking.

Just some wise words to one who has been there...  One of the reasons 
why I have become extremely interested in the mod movement is because 
there isn't an emphasis of taking on the world.  There really is no 
reason to fight, because inherently we know we are much smarter then 
the rest of the world.  Don't play their games.. Be above them. 
Fight only to save your ass.. Not to make a point.

Stay smart and sharp.. The world will open up to you.

John Drefahl
Massive Magazine / Netwerk Media
Email : mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel : 510.290.9361 (Mobile)
Fax : 603.452.7141

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