Could someone help me out here..

I have some fashion questions?

1. Can I still wear my trainers when I got blisters from my italian shoes?
2. What is proper mod attire for bed?
3, when I wipe my arse.. how many times should I fold my toilet 
paper?  Does anyone have any literature on this subject.  Mod ethics 
for the Bathroom?

Ohh that reeked of urin..

I agree, Davy.. There are certain people who just have to be know it 
alls about everything and hold everyone to it.  What's the difference 
between the annoying guy at the Model Train club who trainspots at 
the depot, the mod that trainspots the fashion, the jungle djay that 
trainspots the tunes and plates, the computer dork the trainspots the 
software, and the annoying little kid we all knew in gradeschool 
who's mommy bought them all the toys.. they brought them to school 
but you couldn't touch or play with them..

Nothing at all.. They are all fucking annoying twits.. It's a person 
thing not a mod thing.  Ease up tightwads.. have some fun..


>Apartisans Personne wrote:
>>  i just wanted to express my undying love for
>>  Bill Luther. If i were gay (which by the way,
>>  ladies, i'm not) I would marry him--had he not
>>  already have a lovely fiancee.
>>  xxoo
>>  davelliott
>>  p.s. and please dont let this start some kind of
>>  homophobe thread...
>I don't know whether this was some kind of bait or not but... DAMN...!
>I just couldn't resist a chance to comment on this.
>As far as "I" see it... Bill Luther is avery knowledgeable geezer when
>it comes to the annals of Mod history... he loves to flex his modlyness
>too... In fact he's a regular pro at coming out of the woodwork to put
>his OFFICIAL MOD APPROVED seal on things... he reckons himself the mack
>daddy Mod master that knows all... much like KANG on the Simpsons...
>only Mod.
>He finds great pleasure being the first on the scene with the straight
>goods on whatever MOD topic is being discussed... unless of course it's
>any "MOD" music from the current day.  He prides himself on not caring
>about MODern things at all... I mean why would he care...?  He is the
>authority on all things Mod pre-90... He should be canonized to MOD
>He comes out of nowhere to tell me that I add nothing to this list at
>all... I beg to differ... in fact I really beg to differ... Actually...
>I'm differing large!
>I add a lot Bill... I add a break from the standard Parka patch chat
>that this becomes and I offer a great deal to people I've met from this
>list privately...  People that don't immediately jump on Davy for
>stating his mind.  I recently offered up info on a great place to buy
>60's movie posters in LA... not publicly of course... that would only
>bring the immature savages out to ridicule my advice or directions... of
>course that would just be done  because I once told some guy to SUCK MY
>I was also the one who broke the news of Screamin' Lord Sutch's death...
>remember that....?  I think I also had a lot to say about the Sons of
>Fred once too... plus a load of other things I could itemize for you if
>requested... Bill.  Damn...! I guess it's not enough for you... it must
>fall short of your mod-o-meter eh?
>Why don't you just shut your fucking trap Bill... and stop trying to
>appear as the end all be all of Modness... you're obviously not into the
>current mod scene... You have a lot of opinions (as do I) and you do
>know your ancient Mod history... but why do you feel the need to pop in
>with the all knowing final Mod hammer of the gods that you've clearly
>given yourself... ?
>You know nothing about me and you certainly don't have a clue about what
>I do or don't offer to the scene... I'll tell you something Mr.
>Luther... the kids in Toronto may not have the perfect number of vents
>and buttons in their suits... but they have something that you clearly
>don't have..they have fun...
>May I suggest a High Colonic?
>Davy Love

John Drefahl
Massive Magazine / Netwerk Media
Email : mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel : 510.290.9361 (Mobile)
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