>  >1. Can I still wear my trainers when I got blisters from my italian shoes?
>Yes, but better Italian shoes are a better idea.

Well what if they are Diadora indoor football shoes.. I mean they got 
an italian flag on them..

>>2. What is proper mod attire for bed?
>All or nothing.

Ha.. good answer.. you get points..

>>3, when I wipe my arse.. how many times should I fold my toilet
>Try folding any piece of paper more than 7 times and you're the ace

Unless you shit rabbit pellets that could take quite a bite into the 
toilet paper budget.  But I will get back to you with any solutions I 
may find on the way so wiping proper!


>Mark McNulty

John Drefahl
Massive Magazine / Netwerk Media
Email : mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel : 510.290.9361 (Mobile)
Fax : 603.452.7141

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