>> sc->prsaKey->meth is a pointer of static variable.
>> But it isn't valid after Apache's second initialization when I use chroot(1M) 
>> command without my patch.
>Oh, _THAT'S_ the problem: the static variable inside SSLeay/OpenSSL.  Hmmmm...
>yes, now I know why it core dumps: It's because the DSO (which contains the
>libssl/libcrypto stuff) is loaded to a different memory address in the second
>round and this way we loose the contents of this variable, of course.  But
>BTW, it has still nothing to do with chroot(1M) ;-) 
It always core dumps mod_ssl2.1.7/DSO with chroot.
(and it always core dumps mod_ssl2.2.2/DSO with chroot.)
But it doesn't always core dumps mod_ssl2.1.7/DSO without chroot.
(and it doesn't always core dumps mod_ssl2.2.2/DSO without chroot.)
(I failed the tests of mod_ssl2.2.2 at my last letter,sorry.)
I don't know the reason.
>I append you a patch for mod_ssl 2.2.2 which should solve your problem in this
>clean way. Please try it out and give me feedback whether it works or not for
>you, too.
It doesn't work. (chroot)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:22 1999] [notice] Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.2 
OpenSSL/0.9.1c configured -- resuming norm
al operations
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] mod_ssl: Unable to configure server 
certificate for connection (OpenSSL libra
ry error follows)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] OpenSSL: error:140C3023:SSL 
routines:SSL_use_certificate:passed a null parame
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] mod_ssl: Unable to configure server 
certificate for connection (OpenSSL libra
ry error follows)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] OpenSSL: error:140C3023:SSL 
routines:SSL_use_certificate:passed a null parame
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] mod_ssl: Unable to configure server 
certificate for connection (OpenSSL libra
ry error follows)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] OpenSSL: error:140C3023:SSL 
routines:SSL_use_certificate:passed a null parame
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] mod_ssl: Unable to configure server 
certificate for connection (OpenSSL libra
ry error follows)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:12:25 1999] [error] OpenSSL: error:140C3023:SSL 
routines:SSL_use_certificate:passed a null parame

And mod_ssl2.2.2/DSO original doesn't work. (chroot)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:13:58 1999] [notice] Apache/1.3.4 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.2 
OpenSSL/0.9.1c configured -- resuming norm
al operations
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:14:13 1999] [notice] child pid 28009 exit signal Segmentation 
Fault (11)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:14:13 1999] [notice] child pid 28008 exit signal Segmentation 
Fault (11)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:14:13 1999] [notice] child pid 28007 exit signal Segmentation 
Fault (11)
httpd: [Mon Feb 15 15:14:13 1999] [notice] child pid 28006 exit signal Segmentation 
Fault (11)

And mod_ssl2.2.2/DSO + my (ugly:-) patch works.

And mod_ssl2.2.2/DSO original works. (original apachectl : not chroot)

Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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