On Tue, Oct 06, 1998, Magnus Bodin wrote:

> >I'm totally busy with other mod_ssl things these days but those of you who had
> >problems with the Apache+mod_perl+mod_ssl combination last time perhaps want
> >to try out this new release.  Give us feedback if it works and if it doesn't
> >where problems still exist. Doug also created a INSTALL.simple.mod_ssl file
> >in the mod_perl distribution as I recognized via the CVS commit messages.
> >Look also at this file and give Doug MacEachern <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> feedback
> >when you discover problems.
> It works like a charm. 

Oh, good to know.

> However; I do it like this:
> ./configure \
>  --prefix=/usr/local/apache\
>  --enable-module=rewrite\
>  --enable-module=ssl\
>  --activate-module=src/modules/extra/mod_myownextra.o\
>  --enable-module=myownextra\
>  --activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a\
>  --enable-module=perl\

> But in the Configuration.apaci, the AddModuler-perl line always is last,

Yes, because mod_ssl's AddModule line is already applied
by the configure command while patching the source tree.

> but I suppose the mod_ssl, should, so I hand-reorder these lines in
> Configuration.apaci so that the last 3 lines appear in this order
> (top->bottom) myownextra, perl, ssl.
> Do I really have to be this paranoid? In what order do they HAVE to be? 

It's hard to say. The only thing in mod_ssl for which the module order is
important is the SSLFakeBasicAuth stuff (it has to be more priority than the
mod_auth modules). But all other stuff is not dependend on any API precedence.
So, when you want to use Apache::AuthXXXX mod_perl-based modules _together_
with SSLFakeBasicAuth, mod_ssl has to come after mod_perl in the
Configuration[.apaci] file. If this isn't important to you (perhaps you only
use mod_auth and no Perl auth handlers), you can let mod_perl the last module.

But as I see it it's important that I create a --order-module option to APACI
for Apache 1.3.4 (for 1.3.3 it's too late, it comes out the next days) which
reorders AddModule lines. How about --order-module=<mod1>,<mod2> where
<mod1> is first deleted and then re-inserted before <mod2>? This can be
done in a portable way with some sed-hacks.

> If
> this is important -- In what order should they appear in the
> configure-options to be correct from the start in the
> Configuration.apaci-file?I've experimented a lot, but the
> addmodule-ssl-line never seem to get to the bottom. 

Sure, the mod_ssl line is patched in before, so it cannot go behind manually
activates modules. I'll look for the --order-module option. In the meantime,
do what I said: Let mod_perl last when it's ok that Apache::AuthXXX handlers
cannot be used with SSLFakeBasicAuth and reorder when you need it.
Anything else should be not affected by the order of mod_ssl and mod_perl.

                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)   www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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