At 11:12 AM 10/7/98 +0200, you wrote:
>On Wed, Oct 07, 1998, Alan Spicer wrote:
>> I have installed SSLeay-0.9.0b and mod_ssl-2.0.10-1.3.1 for
>> Apache 1.3.1. I installed per INSTALL instructions and the
>> installation went just fine. I however get nothing with
>> Netscape Communicator 4.05 except the certificate warning
>> boxes. After that there is a timeout of about 3-minutes and
>> then Netscape pops up "Document contains no data".
>3 minutes? Hmmm... sounds like a typical DNS timeout.
* Hmmmm then why doesn't it tell DNS error in Netscape? Like
otherwise when a host is not found in DNS. Also why do you
get the certificate all the way to Netscape on the other side
of the world when there is a network error?
>> s_client ...
>> after several minutes tells: read:errno=0
* I just did a RedHat 5.1 installation of Apache 1.3.1 and
all of the SSLeay and mod_ssl, and move httpd.conf.default
to httpd.conf, and did apachectl startssl and Apache starts
ok, asks for cert password. s_client makes test just fine 
and gets / home page. Interestingly testing this on both of
the working machines gets that exact same "read:errno=0"
even after sending the / HTML page just fine. That seems to
be a normal thing. Probably a left-over from the cert errors
that you say do not matter. However the logging in the
error_log (mentioned below) does not occur on the working test
machines here at home.

>> Apache error_log tells: connect: Connection timed out
>But this sounds more like a network problem.
* Hmmmm, why then does Apache give the non-secure pages just fine.
Apache functions normally except for mod_ssl. I really don't
understand how glibc or libc5 have anything to do with it. I
compile Apache and all of this other software (SSLeay) (mod_ssl)
and everything zings right into place without an error. We get
certificate to the remote Netscape and then the connection hangs.
Something must not be working in that negotiation phase. Why does
Netscape finally get "document contains no data" ?

SSL Handshaking and/or Cypher negotiation never finishes. I can 
get secure connections irregardless of what the certificate says
from the machines that work ... I just get warned by Netscape
that the site name is not the same. If I accept that, zing! I'm
locked in a secure session. So the certificate does not seem to
be it either. Doesn't matter if I URL to the 192.168.10.x or
to my PPP connection IP, or the real PPP connection hostname.

I have never had a problem related to Apache with either of the
two remote hosts. Apache compiles file always and runs fine
always. If anything SSLeay or mod_ssl, or both, don't like something
on these systems. The both have Linux 2.0.34 kernels. So does the
new RedHat 5.1. If something in RedHat is wrong (5.0 or 5.1) then
your going to get a lot of questions because RedHat is the most
popular distribution of Linux.

Both of remote machines are existing Apache installs been running
at high traffic levels every day. Both have been on 1.3.1 since 
not long after it came out. The only source change was to raise
HARD_SERVER_LIMIT from 256 to 512. Libraries on these systems should
be stock from RedHat.

>> When I pipe the output of s_client to less so that I can view all
>> of it, there is verify errors such as:
>> verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
>> verify return:1
>> verify error:num=21:unable to verify the first certificate
>This is harmless, just because s_client cannot verify
>the server certificate. It has nothing to do with your
>network problems, IMO.
>> Funny thing, I installed from the exact same tar.gz's at home
>> on another RedHat Linux box with an older kernel, and the
>> same exact version web server (ok I upgraded to 1.3.1 ;-)
>> and Lo-and-Behold the one here at home works! I can get the
>> SSL lock via my local ethernet and I have had someone else
>> test via the Internet where it worked also.
>This means that it's a local problem on this particular other Linux box.
>Because you said its a RH 5.0 box and I already know of reports for strange
>problems under RH 5.0 related to Apache and mod_ssl I conclude that RH 5.0 is
>your problem here, too. But we do not know, of course.
>> If I can get a response from the author, I will at his
>> convenience provide any information that is needed to debug
>> this problem, including if necessary - access to the machine
>> via secure shell.
>Yes, without tracing the code you cannot find the root
>of your problems. I recommend you the following:
>1. Try to find out wheter there are 5.0 updates related to kernel and libc
>   from RedHat which perhaps solve your problems. Because other RH 5.0 users
>   reported similar problems for Apache recently, the chance is high that
>   there is something broken under RH 5.0. Especially the glibc2 stuff causes
>   problems. After people have downgraded to libc5 Apache worked for them.
>   Perhaps this is the case for you, too.
>2. After 1.) failed you can create an "rse" account on your box,
>   reachable via SSH. Then when I find time I can spent an hour to trace the
>   code. This way we at least know at which corner the problem is.
>                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
>                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Apache Interface to SSLeay (mod_ssl)
>Official Support Mailing List               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Automated List Manager                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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