> Yes, mostly all problems until now were with older OpenSSL versions.
        [GOMEZ Henri]  Most of us are ready to switch to OpenSSL now..

> Although I personally don't understand why people feel such dependent
> on
> existsing RPMS (hey, it's open source, you can compile it yourself in
> 10
> minutes!), maybe you're right. But why is there still no such RPM
> stuff
> available? 
        [GOMEZ Henri]  The RPM is a great stuff when you want to install
and preload many systems.
        It's really a kind of InstallShield (but many time powerfull).
Also I personnaly think
        it's one of the best way to have an 'industrial process' for
software production.

> Yes and no. Except for the security fix (the session tagging call) the
> >=
> 0x0920 stuff is either consistency (the ciphers), cleanness (the
> SSL_clean
> call) or not imporant. At least because of this nothing should fail
> with older
> version. 
        [GOMEZ Henri]  We have to wait so for OpenSSL 0.9.2 RPM...

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)  www.engelschall.com/sw/mod_ssl/
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