On Tue, Jun 01, 1999, Andrea e Luca Giacobazzi wrote:

> >Ok, +StructRequire is only possible with 2.3.x, so it's clear that it
> doesn't
> >work for 2.2.8. I've also looked at your httpd.conf: it's mainly the Apache
> >default config and looks ok.  So either we've found a very subtle bug in
> >mod_ssl or your OCSP patches cause this side-effect. So it's important that
> >first you try it out with a plain Apache+mod_ssl without any OCSP patches
> > >you.
> >
> I started a new Apache 1.3.6 + mod_ssl-2.2.8-1.3.6 + openssl-0.9.2b, without
> my cert_status_lookup patch, and SSLRequire works fine also with
> [...]
> So I think the problem is in my patch ocsp cert status lookup with ldap,
> that I sent to the list, any idea about which could be the problem ?

Ah, ok. I'm relieved to hear that. Your OCSP patches perhaps return OK in an
auth handler or manipulate something related to Apache's Satisfy directive?

> I bought Apache manual by Laurie's, and I'm trying to use ap_pfopen instead
> of fopen to access files, it copiles right, but Netscape give me "I/O error
> occurred while ...". Any suggestion about how to use ap_pfopen() and
> ap_snprintf() (I think my problem is how manage pools, new thing for me) ?

Err.. Netscape's error isn't related to the use of ap_pfopen, I think.  This
has to be a coincidence, IMHO. ap_pfopen() works fine -- all other modules use
it, too.

> [...] 
> Where openssl process directives ? Is there where I can add new directives ?

OpenSSL? No, the directives are a feature of Apache, of course.  Look inside
mod_ssl.c and ssl_engine_config.c to see how one can create own configuration
directives. BTW, I recommend you to buy Doug's and Lincoln's "Writing Apache
Modules with Perl and C" from ORA. It documents the Apache API very well.
There all this stuff is explained.
                                       Ralf S. Engelschall
                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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