On Fri, 10 Sep 1999, Mike wrote:
> Hi everyone
> Please forgive a beginners' possibly ignorant question... My first attempt
> at this...
> I have a server with several name based virtual hosts on it. As I 
> discovered, mod_ssl won't work with name based virtual hosts, for
> reasons discussed earlier on this list.
> My question is, will it work if I get a static IP address for the
> one virtual host I wish to run mod_ssl on, and keep the rest as name based
> virtual hosts? Perhaps someone could be so kind as to point me to an
> example config of a couple of name based virtual hosts and one ip based
> w/ssl virtual host.
> Many thanks,
> Mike
This will work just as you'd expect, very well, you don't even have to
use two ip's:)

<VirtualHost *.*.*.100:443>
ServerName secure.blah.dk
SSLEngine on

<VirtualHost *.*.*.100>
ServerName www.blah.dk

<VirtualHost *.*.*.100>
ServerName nosecure.blah.dk

Henrik Olsen,  Dawn Solutions I/S       URL=http://www.iaeste.dk/~henrik/
HAL: I'm evil. (kills astronauts)  Bowman: I must shut you down now, HAL.
HAL: Daisy, Daisy...        Bowman: Now I must finish this mission alone.
(STRANGE THINGS happen, and they MAKE SENSE.)
Reader: Wow. I understand the movie now.      2001, Book-A-Minute version

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