Me again,

linux-2.2.12, glibc-2.0.7pre6

When I specify:
  SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom
in the .conf the server never gets past:
  [info]  Init: Reinitializing OpenSSL library
  [trace] Inter-Process Session Cache (DBM) Expiry: old: 0, new: 0,
removed: 0
in the ssl_engine_log with:
  SSLLogLevel debug

Now from the FAQ a may have expected this with /dev/random,
especially if the machine hadn't been going long.

Are there any known incompats with the linux /dev/urandom? is
it possible I'm doing something stupid?  It all works fine
specifying "builtin"

All help gratefully received,
Daniel Sutcliffe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
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