Yep, it's (probably) the common name. IE wants it to match the URL...


Gareth Jones wrote:

> Hi,
> Just wondering if anyone has encountered the following problem with the
> Verisign SGC GlobalID certificates. I'm running mod_ssl 2.4.8_1.3.9, and
> have got both the global certificate and the intermediate certificate
> installed and configured. I can connect with an export version of
> Netscape and get 128-bit encryption no problem. If I try the same thing
> with IE5.0 I get a "cannot find server or DNS error", which is very
> helpful. If I try it with IE4.0 I get the slightly more useful error of
> "Invalid Certificate", which I guess means the intermediate certificate.
> I've tried putting the intermediate cert in using both
> SSLCertificateChainFile directive and the SSLCACertificatePath and
> SSLCACertificateFile directives (all work with Netscape, still no dice
> with IE). I've also tried pointing IE at some external websites that use
> SGC (like and they work fine. The only
> unusual thing is that I'm trying this out on an internal, private
> webserver (before putting it on our production server), which doesn't
> have the same Common Name as the certificate. Would that cause IE to
> complain?
> Any ideas? (Except for "don't use IE" please :))
> Thanks,
> Gareth.
> --
> Mutant Technology Ltd.
> tel:+44 (0)171 257 9983
> fax:+44 (0)171 836 2600
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