I posted a proposal in the past about unifying the patch scripts of
UNIX and Windows. Ralf answered me that it would require users to
install Perl on their UNIXes. I still think that even if there are
two different scripts, they must do the same things (90% of what
they do is already the same), so after applying the patches, you'll
have the same source tree, no matter what OS you have (except for
SSL_INC and SSL_LIB in src/modules/ssl/Makefile, which can be
commented and replaced by environment variables, so the tree will
be portable, and directories and installations can be moved from
one place to another).

After this change, we will have the same source tree (after
applying mod_ssl patches into Apache tree) for all the platforms.
It will allow us to:

1. Apply the patches in one environment, move the source tree to
   another, and build Apache there.
2. Distribute an FTP archive which will be good for all of the
   platforms (of course, we may have more than one archiving
   format; For example, some people don't have unzip under UNIX, so
   a "tar.gz" (and maybe also ".tar.bz2") will be needed too.

There are not many modifications which should be done.

1. ".mak" files are patched only by the Windows script. Since the
   patch is very simple, I don't see any reason why not to add it
   to the UNIX script.
2. Windows' "patch" is not compatible with the UNIX one (it adds
   carriage returns before line feeds). We should either remove
   carriage returns from each file after applying patches into it,
   or use patch flags to avoid CRs (are there such flags?), or use
   another version of patch or another program.
3. Makefile.nt is not patched by the UNIX script.
4. The files modules/ssl/Makefile.{libdir,tmpl,win32} are not
   created by the Windows script.
5. Some minor things.

It is really simple. If you don't think so, I can help and/or code
parts of this proposed patch.

I have a more revolutionary idea (deserves a "2.5.0" version...);
I'll post it on Sunday.

Eli Marmor
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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