> > My final vision is to have an integrated source tree, including sub
> > trees for Apache (including EAPI patches), PHP4, JServ (Jakarta?),
> > Perl, OpenSSL, mod_perl, etc., with one simple command (like the
> > "src/helpers/binbuild.sh"), that will build everything, without an
> > installation process of zillion steps. You may look at this package
> > as a Linux distribution, and the sub-tree of Apache as the kernel
> > in the above distribution (I hope you understood the analogy).
> This does not sound like something I would want to download on a slow
> modem.
> It would either be huge beyond immagination or it would be far from

Which reminds me what was said about Linux distributions only a few
years ago. In a second thought, we don't deal with hundreds of mega-
bytes (or even giga-bytes, as in SuSE) which should be downloaded (in
case you don't use a CDROM), but only about 10MB (after compression).

In any case, last time I installed mod_ssl on an NT, I was forced to
download and install zillion of other things: Apache (of course...),
OpenSSL, perl (to run configure.bat), patch.exe (which is used by
configure.bat), etc., etc. I would be grateful if I could download a
big (if you insist to call 10MB "big"; It's less than IE5) package
instead of collecting many pieces from many sites.

> complete. The final executable would also be much larger than necessary.

Surprise!  Surprise!  The final executable is almost the same!  There
are only much more shared objects, which are not loaded if you don't
use them (and you can always disable them using the httpd.conf).
So now after solving your problem, I guess you will share my opinion

> Of the Apache installations I've done over the last couple of years,
> I've never wanted one with that meny features compiled in at the same
> time - even on my own development machine I usually prefer to have
> different versions of apache for different purposes. In production
> servers I really would consider it "a bad thing"(tm) to compile it
> with anything that isn't needed,

This is why httpd.conf is there - to disable anything you don't want.
In any case, this stuff (except for the EAPI patches), doesn't go into
the executable (but to disabled shared objects).

>                                  not to mention that there's always
> things that need to be compiled differently on different platforms.
> IMO it would be a much better idea to document the compile/build
> process of some of the more common Apache installations. Or perhaps
> to build sort of an interactive configuration system much like the
> setup file from php that collects options for configure.

It was already done, but it ended up as a very long list of steps.
Everybody I talk with, tells me that it is not only hard, but im-
possible. Finally everybody succeeds, but not by following these
steps, but by one simple step: he asks me to do it instead of him :-(

> One problem is that AFAIK mod_ssl not only applies patches, it also
> sets makefile options and etc when patching - which might end up
> having a patched source tree, that would need to be patched again
> to set all the options (like library locations etc.)


This issue was discussed lengthily in this thread (you responded to a
message of me without reading the previous message!). I'm not going
to detail everything again, but in short - I investigated all the
cases, and resolved everything, except for src/modules/ssl/Makefile,
which must be generated during the installation. By the way: The only
reference to directories (created by applying mod_ssl patch scripts),
is in the Windows version of this file: SSL_INC and SSL_LIB. Although
this file will have to be generated by the installation, I'm +1 that
these variables will be defined externally (by environment
variables?) so the source tree will be 100% independent of operating
systems, direcories, locations, etc.

> Anyway, not all the Apache installations we do around here need
> ssl - so that would have me downloading the Apache source twice
> (all right, it really isn't like a few megs more would make a
> noticable difference to me ;-) but it would add an extra 1.4M to
> the traffic at modssl.org for every apache-mod_ssl download.

I'm checking if it is legal to host crypto stuff in FTP in Israel; If
it is, I'm volunteering to mirror it (currently my bandwidth is weak,
but soon I'll upgrade it).

One last thing: I don't want to underestimate your claims; Actually,
I had the same opinions in the past. But I was surprised when I
checked the facts (like the differences between UNIX and Windows),
and found that there is no reason anymore to supply mod_ssl as patch
scripts rather than a complete source tree.

Instead of responding automatically, please read the previous message
(about the modification to the patch scripts of UNIX and Windows),
check yourself, check the issue of shared objects, check other
considerations, and only then decide. I promise you that you will be
surprised to find that things are simpler than they looks.

Eli Marmor
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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