I don't know why your servlet always prints that it is listening on port 80,
but yesterday I managed to remove port 80 from my server by changing the
httpd.conf file in the following manner:
# Port: The port to which the standalone server listens.
# Port 80 # Don't permit that someone connects without using SSL
##  SSL Support
##  When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the 
##  standard HTTP port (see above) and to the HTTPS port
<IfDefine SSL>
# Listen 80 # Don't permit that someone connects without using SSL
Listen 443

After that, http://... didn't work any more, only https://... (which was the
intention) Maybe you should try this, and try to run your servlet again.
Hopes this helps,

Filip van Laenen 
Senior Knowledge Engineer, Computas, http://www.computas.com
Telefon: +47 67 83 10 00 Fax: +47 67 83 10 01 


-----Original Message-----
From: Yu, Leo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2000 9:31 PM
Cc: Yu, Leo
Subject: which port ? 80 or 443

     I  configure a  Linux system to run Apache and Jserv and SSL.  The
server is listening to both port 80 
    and port 443 (for SSL).  
     I have a servlet running on the system to print out which port is
request is coming form 
     The problem is no matter what port ( 80 or 443 ) the URL request is
coming in.  The servlet always 
     prints out port 80.  I use the gerServerPort() function of the request
object to retrieve the port number. 

     Any idea why ?  Does Apache need to have port 80 open always ? 


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