On Tue, Jul 11, 2000 at 03:49:15AM +0000, moses von wrote:
> We have had modssl working for a very long time, and it worked
> fine from BSDI 2.1 till 4.0.1.  As soon as we installed
> BSDI 4.1, our httpd server stopped working.. It starts up
> but only a single process starts, and basically does nothing.
> So we decided to re-compile apache, and used all of the latest versions of 
> modssl, openssl, apache, etc.  Everything compiled and installed just fine.  
> BUT, it still starts up only as a single process which
> does basically nothing.  We re-compiled the server without ssl, and
> apache startups up fine with multiple processes and answers queries.
Could you run a trace[1] on it to see what it is waiting for?
It could very well be waiting to get random data from /dev/random (or
/dev/urandom) or wherever you've got SSLRandomSeed pointed at.

[1] On linux that would be strace, on solaris it would be truss on BSDI it
would be ???


Mads Toftum
`Darn it, who spiked my coffee with water?!' - lwall

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