I am user of apache web server with SSL.
I use modssl and openssl wtth apache.
And I have to run servlets on the web so I use Jrun or tomcat with apache-ssl.
Then there are some problems.
If I run apachessl with Jrun or tomcat, it give an error message..
Error message is like below
"[warn] loaded DSO /usr/local/Jrun/connectors/apache/sparc-solaris/mod_jrun.so uses
plain Apache 1.3 API
this module might crach under EAPI! (please recompile it with -DEAPI)"
do I micompile apachessl?
or Jrun have some problem with ssl?
what do I have to do?

And one more problem is redirect...
I use Redirect method in servlet.
source code is like below
At first I connect the page through https://...
and when I meet sendRedirect method, a message display on the browser like that it 
will redirect.
after that browser connect through http.
If I don't open 80 port on apache webserver, browser don't connect the server.
so I have to open 80 port and 443 port for SSL.
But I don't want open 80 port.
How can I solve this problem...
Please answer me...
I look forward your message...
your sincearly
Have good day...

¿ì¸® ÀÎÅͳÝ, Daum
Æò»ý ¾²´Â ¹«·á E-mail ÁÖ¼Ò ÇѸÞÀϳÝ
Áö±¸ÃÌ ÇÑ±Û °Ë»ö¼­ºñ½º Daum FIREBALL
Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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