On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 03:34:07AM -0600, Dean Hall wrote:
> > > Actually, I think Sang Yi has a point. I've never heard of anyone using
> > > RPM for openssl then compiling mod_ssl and apache from source. It sounds
> > > like a recipe for disaster to me...
> > I'm installing openssl from RPM because several RPMs in RedHat 7.2 require
> > the package -- that's basically it. I wouldn't mind compiling everything
> > from source -- but then I should probably be using FreeBSD. :-) Well, the
> > main issue is that other RPMs require the openssl RPM. I suppose I could
> > just `./configure; make` without `make install` and then point apache's
> > configure to the source tree/libraries in that directory. I just hadn't
> > thought of it. I gotta keep openssl installed as an RPM, though.
> Well, I tried compiling openssl from source like so:
> And still got a seg fault when running `/usr/local/apache/bin/apachectl
> startssl` ("start" segfaults too). Any ideas?

I'm not sure this is the cause of the problem, but if you're going to
be building and linking with libraries you're building from sources,
it's probably a good idea to make sure that you don't have the -devel
subpackage of the package you're trying to replace installed when you
do it.

In other words, if you want to be sure you're not mixing installed
OpenSSL headers and libraries with the version you're building from
source, removing the openssl-devel package (if you have it installed) is
a good idea.  This will ensure that you don't accidentally mix headers
or libraries from the RPM with the ones you intend to build with
(necessary because OpenSSL does *not* guarantee any binary compatibility
between releases yet, so mixing headers for 0.9.5 with 0.9.6 libraries
can be a recipe for disaster).

One other problem you may be running into -- if you're using DSOs which
link with libpthread, you must also link httpd with libpthread.  In most
cases, you can link the DSO against shared libraries without linking
httpd against those libraries (for example, database libraries), but
libpthread is an exception.  To do this, set LIBS="-lpthread" before
running the configure script for Apache.

Hope this helps,

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