Hi all

I agree, I haven't seen much movement/improvements with mod_ssl in the
last months and in this industry things need to get moving in order to
keep the software in touch with its neighbours (apache, open_ssl,
mod_authz_ldap to name a few) and therefore each one improving on the

If Ralf cannot afford the time then I am for someone else (like you
Tim) to take over the reigns (either fully or partially). It is really
important that users see mod_ssl constantly improving itself.

Best regards
Jose Correia

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Tassonis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 September 2002 15:50
Subject: Maintainership of mod_ssl

Hi Ralf and everybody

Wouldn't it now be about time to transfer maintainership of mod_ssl to
somebody else (if there is anybody willing and capable available) , as
this software is now obviously unmaintained except for important

Ralf has done a tremendous job in providing and maintaining mod_ssl,
obviously has no more time left to actively work on it.

But there are still people (me at least) who would like to enhance
beyond the very neccessary. Unfortunately mails with patches to do so
not even replied.

How do other people and most of all, how does Ralf think about this?

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Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)                   www.modssl.org
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