As I suspected, none of these messages originate from Ralf. Just checking the original headers on the most recent batch of six I got overnight...

from cruzeiro ( []) by
from CLS-TORG1010-27 ( []) by
from CLS-TORG1010-24 ( []) by
from CLS-TORG1010-30 ( []) by
from woofie (A052105.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu []) by
from AdamBroughton ( []) by

What this tells me is that someone realized the .edu addresses on the listserv were low hanging fruit. Nice job. Try partying less, studying more, and figure out how to keep yourself from being infected (on multiple fronts). [aside: pisses me off that I have to deal with spam from cracked/infected boxes from .edu domains ... I think I'm just going to reject all .edu-headered mail. it's a hugely sad commentary that people from institutions of *higher* education can't grasp the concept of DON'T CLICK ON F^&KING ATTACHMENTS YOU'RE NOT EXPECING and USE A [EMAIL PROTECTED] A/V PACKAGE ALREADY, DAMNIT. I mean really, people.. you're shelling out a TON of money and you don't seem to be one lick smarter than Jimmy Joe-Jobber's mom who'll click on everything and anything since getting her PC two weeks ago. If you're as f%$king stupid as you appear to be, give it up .. save yourself the money and give your slot at school to someone else. There no shame in doing manual labor for a living. Society needs both ends of the spectrum. If you can't figure out the "don't click" stuff, I have no idea what you're going to do with number theory or algorithms (assuming you're in a CS program). I vote to kick the .edu's off the listserv until they prove they've got an intellectual agility quotient above that of a small soapdish. If this pisses off admins for .edu's, sorry .. life's a bitch, grab a helmet. The rest of us out in the real world have to deal with [l]users like this and keep our networks clean for the rest of the planet - you're no different... you just have a harder job that I certainly don't envy. Perhaps instituting a "three strikes" policy for students .. the first infection gets you a warning .. the second gets you booted off the school's network .. the third (meaning you violated both the 2nd AND 1st) gets you booted from school. Hrmm.. not a bad idea, I suppose. Anyway .. rant mode is now OFF.]

Kind-ish Regards,
-dsp :-)

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