Hi folks,

I'm a complete newbie to this stuff, and I need a little more help.

I'm running apache 2.2.4 on a Fadora Core 6 (2.6.20-1.292.fc6). My first
problem after I installed the certificate is that we apparently had an old
self-signed certificate installed. So, once I figured out that the SSL
directives were in the conf.d/ssl.conf and not in conf/httpd.conf, I was
able to put my certificate information in that file and now our server is
using our real certificate and not the self-signed one.

Our server runs multiple domains using virtual hosting, and I've read
through the archives enough to find out that I can't do named virtual host
with SSL. That's fine. My problem now is that when I browse to:
https://mysecuredomain.com, I'm getting sent to another one of our other
domains  (wrongdomain.com -- for the sake of discussion) except that the URL
in the address bar still says: https://mysecuredomain.com.

I'm confused. I've searched through the archives, but can't seem to find out
how this is happening.

Here's another strange bit. We've got an old version and a newer version of
"wrongdomain.com" and when I  browse to http://wrongdomain.com I get the new
version. When I browse to https://wrongdomain.com I get the *old* version of
the site -- just as I do when I browse to https://mysecuredomain.com...

I hope I'm explaining this well enough. I really need help on how to get
things working properly.

The other thing that I'm curious about is whether we'll be able to secure
any of our other domains hosted from this box in the future if we need to.
>From the reading I've done I'm thinking that's going to be a 'No', but what
if we use the same certificate for all sites? That may be a dumb question,
but again, I'm a genuine newbie here.

My main concern is about the first part of this post... the side question
about multiple domains is less important to me, but I'd still like to know.
I sure hope someone can help me.

Thanks heaps,


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