>From your description it sounds like you have a
virtual host defining the new version of
wrongdomain.com plus you have a global definition of
the old version of wrongdomain.com.

Then it sounds like you have not specified the data
location inside the virtual host where you define
mysecuredomain.com, so that you are picking up the
global definition.

Cure in this scenario is to override the global
configuration information inside the virtual host for
mysecuredomain.com (or if you do not have a virtual
host for mysecuredomain.com, create one).

As for the problem of https://wrongdomain.com
responding, recall that there can be only one port 443
per ip address, and Apache does not look at domain
names in deciding to serve https, only the ip address.

Cure: I think you can use rewrite rules to direct
traffic addressed to https://wrongdomain.com to a
"safe" directory (I have not tried this).  Or see

As for serving more than one secure web site from a
single computer, yes you can do this, but recall the
limit of one port 443 per ip address.  

You can either arrange for your computer to have
multiple ip addresses (add multiple NIC cards or dink
around with the ifconfig or other etc files depending
on your flavor of Unixoid OS), and then run multiple
instances of Apache listening on different ip
addresses.  Be sure that your separate instances of
Apache define different locations for their
housekeeping files. This will also solve your
https://wrongdomain.com problem.

Or, you can use a port other than 443 for https with a
single ip address, but this is ugly if the user has to
type in the URL.  Not sure if a single instance of
Apache can handle two different secure ports in
different virtual hosts, but you certainly can use
separate instances of Apache on the same box.




--- Chris Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm a complete newbie to this stuff, and I need a
> little more help.
> I'm running apache 2.2.4 on a Fadora Core 6
> (2.6.20-1.292.fc6). My first
> problem after I installed the certificate is that we
> apparently had an old
> self-signed certificate installed. So, once I
> figured out that the SSL
> directives were in the conf.d/ssl.conf and not in
> conf/httpd.conf, I was
> able to put my certificate information in that file
> and now our server is
> using our real certificate and not the self-signed
> one.
> Our server runs multiple domains using virtual
> hosting, and I've read
> through the archives enough to find out that I can't
> do named virtual host
> with SSL. That's fine. My problem now is that when I
> browse to:
> https://mysecuredomain.com, I'm getting sent to
> another one of our other
> domains  (wrongdomain.com -- for the sake of
> discussion) except that the URL
> in the address bar still says:
> https://mysecuredomain.com.
> I'm confused. I've searched through the archives,
> but can't seem to find out
> how this is happening.
> Here's another strange bit. We've got an old version
> and a newer version of
> "wrongdomain.com" and when I  browse to
> http://wrongdomain.com I get the new
> version. When I browse to https://wrongdomain.com I
> get the *old* version of
> the site -- just as I do when I browse to
> https://mysecuredomain.com...
> I hope I'm explaining this well enough. I really
> need help on how to get
> things working properly.
> The other thing that I'm curious about is whether
> we'll be able to secure
> any of our other domains hosted from this box in the
> future if we need to.
> From the reading I've done I'm thinking that's going
> to be a 'No', but what
> if we use the same certificate for all sites? That
> may be a dumb question,
> but again, I'm a genuine newbie here.
> My main concern is about the first part of this
> post... the side question
> about multiple domains is less important to me, but
> I'd still like to know.
> I sure hope someone can help me.
> Thanks heaps,
> Chris
> -- 
> http://cjordan.us

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