On Sat, May 25, 2002 at 10:13:20AM -0400, Jay Lawrence wrote:
> Using Rsync and a bit o' Perl I have developed a latest version only mirror 
> of CPAN. Its very crude but if people are interested I could clean it up a 
> bit and let you have it.

For a mere $20, with profits going to YAS?

> I still find that its hard to strip CPAN down to fit on a CD ... but I am 
> certain that there is some stuff in there that is so specialized that it 
> could be safely excluded.

If whatever OS you're usually using is happy with bzip2 compressed files, then
you may be able to cram another 5 to 10% on the CD by turning all the tar.gz
files to tar.bz2. You may also make some savings by re-packing zips as tar.gz
files, and even more as tar.bz2

Nicholas Clark
Even better than the real thing:        http://nms-cgi.sourceforge.net/

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