> Isn't this the same as Markov's Object::Realize::Later ?

No, but that module certainly helps solve a similar set of problems;
it uses a formal object that populates itself in a defined manner,
instead of a tied scalar `tripping an alarm' that calls the sub to get
itself realized.

Very interesting, this more complex/complete solution may end up
avoiding some of the caveats of my approach.  Thanks for the pointer.

    > To my understanding it's a lot more like Simon Cozens's
    > Tie::Discovery, only with single scalars rather than hash
    > entries.

Yes, this is exactly right.  I'll check out Simon's work to see if I
can fit the scalar version in gracefully.  richardc++

    > Mmm. The perl community seems to be bad at finding suitably
    > descriptive names for things, given the seeming inability of
    > later programmers to find them, and save re-inventing wheels.

No kidding.  Perhaps the low volume of mail on this list is related.

    > This seems on first inspection to be a form of Memoize, but
    > providing access via variables (presumably tied, and therefore
    > less efficient) than via functions.  Memoize is part of the Perl
    > core as of 5.8.0 .

No, memoize remembers the result from a function call with a set of
indexed arguments and caches them.  This module _replaces_ a scalar
(eg, a reference to an object) with the result of a sub (eg, the
object) when it is accessed.  Chalk and cheese, I'm afraid.  The
efficiency issue is also a moot point, because after FETCH is called
once, the tied variable collapses into a regular scalar.

Besides, according to qq«package foo;
sub TIESCALAR { my $class = shift; bless { foo => shift }, $class; }
sub FETCH     { return $_[0]->{foo}; }
package main;
use Benchmark;
my $thingy; my $obj = tie $thingy, "foo", "bar";
timethese(1_000, { "tie" => sub { ($thingy eq "bar") for (1..1000) },
              "method" => sub { ($obj->FETCH eq "bar") for 1..1000 },
});», it's not dreadfully slower than a method call.

  Try to be the best of what you are, even if what you are is no good.

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