On Thu, 16 Oct 2003, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

> i *think* i've seen this before, but i can't remember any
> modules that did it (and if i did, they'd probably be so
> advanced i wouldn't undertand.. ;-).
> what is the correct method of asking for input from the
> console when running tests?

Check out my Mail::Mbox::MessageParser module. You want to give distribution
builders an noninteractive way of giving answers:

  perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=/foo PAGER=/usr/bin/less

and you also want to give default values for automatic installs like the CPAN
module might do if it is run noninteractively. Here you want to do something

  my $install_location = ExtUtils::MakeMaker::prompt(
    "Choose your installation type:\n[1] normal Perl locations\n" .
    "[2] custom locations\n=>" => '1');


David Coppit                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The College of William and Mary        http://coppit.org/

When we understand the meaning of the term "Engineering", we won't offer
one-term courses entitled "Software Engineering" -- David L. Parnas

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