On Fri, 19 Dec 2003 12:13:56 +0100, Marco Marongiu wrote:
> Ciao a tutti
> I created the module in subject for an application I had to create
> for my job. I am planning to release it on CPAN
> The wonderful Date::Calc module
Your README makes clear that Date::Iterator depends on Date::Calc, which
is a non-standard module.  I believe that should be stated more
explicitly in the POD.

And given that it _does_ depend on Date::Calc, wouldn't there be
something to be said for placing it in that module's hierarchy?  I.e.,
Date::Calc::Iterator.  (Preferably after consulting with Date::Calc's
author first, of course.)

In my day job, I too have encountered situations where I want to write
functions that require Date::Calc and extend its functionality, and I
began to map out a plan to a series of modules which would be little
add-ons for that module.  It appears to me that Date::Iterator takes a
similar approach.

In fact, if your module _had_ been named Date::Calc::Iterator from the
outset, it would, IMHO, have been less vulnerable to the criticism that
it was polluting CPAN because there's something else up there with the
same or similar functionality.

Jim Keenan

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