Title: RE: cpan name spaces (was: Re: Re3: Re: How about class Foo {...} definition for Perl? )

> > I would rather CPAN be wide at the top level than have un-intuitive
> > names. The author based system will also become more difficult when
> > authors change hands, disappear, or there are multiple authors.
> There's kind of a trade-off here.  Right now, when module authors
> disappear, it's very difficult for a new author to take over that
> namespace because it's registered to an author/email address
> that may not
> be active anymore.  With author namespaces, they can just create a new
> namespace under their CPAN id.

IMO CPAN id based namespaces would be a bad solution to what is essentially a question of administration.

Handing over and managing namespaces in CPAN is quite difficult IMO.

Im now the maintainer of a number of modules out there that I didnt write. Getting all the bits switched over, like the RT stuff seems to be nearly impossible.

Also, the author namespaces issue is problematic in that how would you determine whose version is the latest, or correct or whatever.


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