On Mon, 19 Jan 2004, Mark Stosberg wrote:

> And then the 1000 people who use their module can all do a find and
> replace on all places where they have referenced the the module name
> with the other authors ids.

The namespaces don't have to change overnight.

> And what happens when module author gets married and get a new
> hyphenated last name? </sarcasm>

How often do CPAN ids really change?  I doubt that an extablished author
would extend his given name change to his CPAN id.

> I have enough trouble remembering APIs without trying to remember
> whether I need to load something in namespace of William, Will, Bill,
> Willie, or  Willy.

Why would that be?  I mean, the odds are if you're dealing with a non-core
Perl module, you're going to need to know the name if you want to download
it in the first place.  If you use a module long enough, you'll get used
to how it's called.

Christopher Josephes

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