On Wed, 16 Jun 2004, Fergal Daly wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 16, 2004 at 06:39:22PM -0300, SilvioCVdeAlmeida wrote:
> > Let's write it better:
> > 1. FORBID any module without a meaningful readme with all its (possibly
> > recursive) dependencies, its pod and any other relevant information
> > inside.
> Having the dependencies easily visible is a good idea but rather than
> banning those modules which don't do, it should be done automitcally by the
> CPAN indexer, all the info is there.

A couple of things.

1. I thought CPAN automatically rejected uploads that didn't include a
README file (I could be wrong on this).

2. A "meaningful readme" is very vague.  I'm not saying it's a bad idea,
but it's open to interpretation.  A lot of times, I just refer people to
the POD docs.

3. Testing dependencies might be really difficult to automate, especially
if a module requires a lot of non-core modules.  Also, what happens if a
dependent module changes or breaks?  How would that affect the testing
status of the module you uploaded?

An easier alternative might be to use testers.cpan.org to our advantage.
Why not just write "UNTESTED" in big bold letters until a test run is
submitted.  That would cover the dependency issue.

Christopher Josephes

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