On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 10:10:02AM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 06:15:49PM +1200, Sam Vilain wrote:
> > I nominate the
> > 
> >  Review::*
> > 
> > Namespace for author-submitted module indexes and in-depth reviews, in 
> > POD format.  I think this has a number of advantages.  Let's use the 
> > infrastructure we already have, no?
> Interesting, but what comes after Review:: if it's Review::Text::Balanced
> then how do we get multiple reviews Text::Balanced

Maybe the convention could be:


I'll let someone else suggest what should happen if the same person
decides to review the same module multiple times. (Perhaps there would be
an early negative review, and then a later positive review after the
module improved with feedback.)


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