On Tue, Jul 20, 2004 at 03:57:10PM +0100, Fergal Daly wrote:
> The more I think about it, the more I think that it's not a great idea using
> the real CPAN to do things other than distribute code. Reuse the
> infrastructure by all means but the idea of mixing bundles, code, reviews
> and whatever else comes up in the same hierarchy with just naming
> conventions to tell them apart does not appeal to me. If we weren't
> dependent on collapsing all the relevant information down into a ::
> delimited list it would be much nicer (fantasy land, I know),

I realize it's not a "clean" solution, but there are some things I like
about it:

- I can check http://search.cpan.org/recent for new modules and new
  module reviews. The means one less place to check for new and
  interesting Perl things that have been published. (OTOH, perhaps
  using an RSS News reader / aggregator would solve this just as well. )

- I like the idea of searching for a term and finding modules and
  reviews coming back. OTOH, we already have CPAN ratings for this. 

[ Thinks more. ]. 

OK, I'm changing my mind. I think it makes more sense to have a way
to integrate longer reviews with cpanratings.perl.org.

Perhaps a simple solution would be provide a field to link to longer
review, which could be anywhere in any format. 


 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
   Mark Stosberg            Principal Developer  
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Summersault, LLC     
   765-939-9301 ext 202     database driven websites
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