I just started using Parallel::Simple in some production code (good to exercise it before releasing it), and came across a situation where I wanted to call the same function a variable number of times based on the number of args in a list. This is what Parallel::ForkControl's forte is, but in keeping with wanting a Simpler interface, I used my prun function:

# getting fancy with arg binding
my @hosts = qw( foo bar baz );
prun( map { my $host = $_; sub { test_host( $host ) } } @hosts )
  or die( Parallel::Simple::errplus() );

However, that looks ugly - and ugly isn't simple. So I thought of how I could support this case, and I realize that since I can tell listrefs apart from strings and code refs, I could allow this:

 $coderef2 => [ $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ],

Which would run $coderef1 once, but run $coderef2 three times, once for each arg. If you wanted to pass more than one arg at a time, you could create sublists:

 $coderef2 => [ [ $arg1a, $arg1b], [ $arg2a, $arg2b ] ],

And it would just work.  You could still use named style, too, of course:

 foo => $coderef1,
 bar => $coderef2 => [ $arg1, $arg2, $arg3 ],

So.. I don't think there's any question that this is useful. The question is - is this too complicated for a ::Simple module? Or does it fit right in, because it let's you do far more complex logic with a simple, concise syntax?


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