On Mon, Oct 31, 2005 at 10:08:53AM -0600, Chris Dolan wrote:
> I'm toying with starting a new module and would like some naming  
> advice.  My module will accept the name of another module and, using  
> CPAN metadata and/or package contents, determine the license of that  
> module's package and the license of all non-core packages that it in  
> turn depends on.  This module would be useful for determining  
> redistribution rights for aggregations of code, like PAR files.  It  
> will probably employ CPANPLUS, YAML, Module::Depends,  
> Module::Corelist and a bunch of heuristics to make its determination.
> For example, my module CAM::PDF is Artistic/GPL but it depends on  
> Text::PDF which is just Artistic.  This new module would help me to  
> discover that fact.
> I don't like any of the names I've come up with so far.  It seems  
> clear that it should be in the Module:: namespace, but beyond that  
> I'm unsure.  Possibilities:
>    Module::GuessLicense
>    Module::License
>    Module::LicenseChain
>    Module::DistributionRights

 From your description, this is much as about a module's dependencies as
it as a about a specific module. So I'll suggest: 


Including "Report" signifies that the module has a "read-only" purpose. 


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